Nerds, meet feminsits; Feminsts, nerds.
So you’ve got one group of people who have (more often than not) a fairly serious charisma-deficit, and have spent their entire lives being rejected by women. They’ve internalised this rejection and now pretty much every aspect of their outward personality grows from this. This is amplified by:
a) behind-computer-screen-bravado
b) male-bonding with people who suffer from the same affliction
c) chronic dopamine receptor depletion brought about by internet-porn, gaming-marathons and lack of positive feedback from normal human activity (see vid below)
d) gravitation towards fields of expertise that not only do “normal” people not understand, but they’re openly proud of not understanding… further ostracising the already socially-inept
The other group are running a massive confirmation-bias, so everything that can possibly be attributed to sexism, is. At it’s most extreme it holds that:
a) all men are rapists
b) all rapists should be castrated
c) the definition of rape should be broadened as widely as possible
d) men accused of rape are guilty until proved innocent
Other than that, feminists are almost always entirely (or at least partly) right – although any guy who’s found his head tied in knots in a domestic argument will recognise a tendency to dissolve the distinction between “imply” and “infer”, and then treat the result as fact.
Put the two together; get popcorn.
Me? I’m with Asherwolf on this one I think… not because I have the slightest idea what is going on, or what went on, but because I think maybe she’d be more fun to get drunk with.