Facebook for Robots


Robot Earth is a service where robots can exchange information about their environments… Like Pachube (which is like google analytics for hardware) but different devices can access other devices’ data.

Potential privacy issues of course – but cellphones are already such privacy-disasters, I doubt that it registers. It also raises the likelihood of remote-hacking I think. Like the Iranian Nuke Worm – which looks as though it was a deliberate aggressive act… but instead of fucking up a nuclear centrifuges, it messes with your vacuum cleaner. And your TV. And your Blender.

I don’t know if it’s just because I have the sort of mind that…

… but I can think of a hell of a lot more evil uses for this than good ones. There is something inevitable about it though – in an Internet of Things, that there be some universal protocol-stack invented so anything can talk to anything.