29-11, Year of Our Lord 2010


Wikileaks dropped another of its bombs. I’m going to hang-fire for a week or so before commenting on this one. My thoughts haven’t really gelled – other than to say… in the last 10 years, our governments have become increasingly illegitimate. The purpose of democracy is to limit and control power. The purpose of democracy is not to pander to power, against the interests of the population. Our governments now appear to work entirely for the benefit of corporations – and millions of people are being cast into poverty, and millions of people are being murdered by our soldiers – and we are lied to every inch of the way. That is the context that Wikileaks has grown out of.

So later.

Anyway, a flurry of stuff:

Speed camera lottery – reduced speeding by 20%. This is a fantastic idea – probably with applications all over the place.

You can download a browser plugin so you can surf the web by waving your arms around like Tom Cruise off minority report

from omgubuntu.

I don’t know why people are so keen on doing this. Stupid idea – unless it’s for games.

Another Theo-Jansenoid walky robot

Hovery thing that follows a pattern about

So obviously the Kinect thing will be attached to the hovery thing at some point. Kinect is probably the most weaponiseable piece of software every invented. There was a thing a while back about a laser being used to shoot down mosquitoes… now the laser-controller can find its own targets for the price of a game… assuming it can see things the size of mosquitoes I suppose. Technicality.


Balancy thing

Can you do that? I didn’t know you could do that. How the fuck do you do that? What does this mean to the steadicam making-industry that charges like $20,000 for camera stabilisation? I mean you do know what you’re seeing there don’t you… it’s a robot doing something that a human can’t.

So there you go.

Here’s a thing about mice.