Speaking of 3D…
The fantastic art of Meredith Dittmar.
I don’t know what it is about bass-relief (if that’s the word)… it often seems to bring out the hallucinogenic in people – whether it’s Aztec Gods or Angkor Wat or those massive horsey-birdy things with beards that the Assyrians used to be so enamoured with.
Even some of the Christian stuff is pretty weird when you come down to it. I mean this:
Is fairly normal in a flowery sort of way… this is what European Cathedrals of a certain period looked like – the pinnacle of the art etc.
And I know it’s supposed to be heavenly etc, and by now I should be used to it… but to me it seems more and more like some sort of terrifying psychic leakage.
Give me Meredith’s stuff any day.
A much friendlier universe I think.
It’s “bas-relief” (and as for pronunciation, you’re not supposed to say the “s”, so it’s more like bah-relief (“relief” pronounced “raleehef”) )
And yeah, some cathedrals are seriously scary :)
Love the little peekie view. Bas means “low” in Fraunch hence Bas Relief. :)
Well that’s two new things I’ve learned today.
Unfortunately though, these will have probably displaced two other things… a single head can only hold so much.
And doubly unfortunately, I don’t even know what it is that I’ve forgotten. I’ve forgotten I’ve forgotten it – it’s as though it was never there. Like dust in the wind. Tears in rain etc.
Where was I?