Tiny Motor
From a cellphone I think. I found one about this size in a broken CD player recently.
Bristlebot Inchworm with Biometal
This metal was all the rage back in the 70s – I can remember reading magazines filled with pictures of Luke Skywalker… raving about this new wonder-metal that could remember its shape. 20-30 years later… inchbot. Still, it’s a good inchbot.
I love the comments on this one:
ROFLMAO sexy time!!
nice bot, how do u make their “brain”?
how can they get-by by themselves?
a proper microbot
“A gold/nickel microrobot of 300x300x70 micrometer (10^-6 m) dashing through a maze of photoresist walls.
The robot is controlled by visual servoing, i.e. the user clicks a spot and the computer steers it there.
The robot and required system was built by a team of researches at ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) and won the RoboCup in the Nanogram League 2007.
For more information see other videos and comments, our webpage (http://www.iris.ethz.ch/msrl/research/s pecial/nanogram/) or Google it.”
Little Baby Tanklet